Before + After School Care
Calhoun Christian School provides a trusted place for your children in preschool and elementary to be cared for before and after school. Our Extended Care program offers your child a safe, nurturing environment where they will have the opportunity to learn and grow as a student and individual. Extended Care will offer your child structured activities, outside time, a healthy snack and time to do homework.
Calhoun Christian School’s Extended Care program is open:
- Morning Care: Monday to Friday, 7:00am - 7:45am
- After School Care: Monday to Friday, 2:40pm - 6:00pm
The Extended Care program is located on the north side of our building, through our preschool entrance, in Room 110.
Our Extended Care Program is open during the school year and is available on all full school days. If students have a partial day, a snow day, or a scheduled day off, such as Christmas and Spring Break, Extended Care is not available.
Calhoun Christian School's Extended Care program is licensed by the State of Michigan Bureau of Regulatory Services. We accept all children and families of Calhoun Christian School without regard to race, creed, religion, national origin, sex, or special needs. Licensing inspections, special investigation reports and all related Corrective Action plans can be found online at
Daily Schedule
Morning Care
7:00–7:30am Group activities, games, free time
7:30–7:35am Clean up, go to class
After School Care
3:00–3:30pm Group activities including art projects
3:30–4:00pm Snack and outdoor time, weather permitting
4:00–6:00pm Independent Choice activities
Enroll into the Extended Care Program
A contract needs to be in place when the school year begins in order to be enrolled in the program. Space is limited and spots are given on a first-enrolled, first-served basis. To enroll, please contact our Enrollment Specialist or complete the form below (a contract may also be found on the final page of the Extended Care Handbook).