School Year 2024-2025
First Day of School: August 19, 2024
- Half day: pickup at 11:30am for K-12, 11:20am for full day preschool
Everyday School Schedule
- 7:30am: Doors open for K-12
- 7:45am: K-12 grade begins (doors open for preschool)
- 8:00am: Preschool (3s, 4s, and Begindergarten) begins
- 11:00am: Half day preschool ends
- 2:40pm: Full day preschool ends
- 2:50pm: K-12 grade ends
- 3:30pm: Office closes
Helpful Information
Guidelines for dropping off and picking up students.
Our parent-student handbook for the school year.
Our school calendar, all on one page.
Turn in this form with any medication to the office.

Calhoun Christian School utilizes FACTS Family Portal for parent and student access to academic information, schedules, lunch ordering, announcements, financial management, enrollment, and more.
Our school code is CC-MI.
Chapel Wear
Students are expected to be in chapel wear on chapel days (Tuesdays for PK-4, and Wednesdays for middle and high school students). The outermost layer a student is wearing indoors must be CCS chapel wear. No sweat/gym pants, or blue jeans are allowed on chapel days.
We sell our chapel wear through Jack Pearl Sports, which they open specific times throughout the school year. For 2024-2025, the store will close on August 21, 2024.
Lunch Program
We partner with the Lakeview School District to provide hot lunch choices for all students who would like to receive hot lunch. Lunch must be preordered through our FACTS Family Portal.
Lakeview's version of the hot lunch calendar is most current and can be accessed at this link (make sure to choose Calhoun Christian School):
If you would normally apply for free/reduced lunch, please do so again this year by following the link below (you may have to select "Lakeview School District" to view Calhoun Christian School's lunch application). Please contact Lakeview Food Service, Debbie Newman, at (269) 565-3951 or with any questions regarding the application.
Apply for the Free/Reduced Lunch Program
Lunch orders and payment inquiries may be directed to