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Cougar Connection


February 28, 2025
By Cougar Connection




The CCS Robotics Team will be having their first competition on Saturday, March 1 and Sunday, March 2.  The competition will be at Battle Creek Central in the new gym.  It will start at 11:00 am and go on until 7:00 pm on Saturday. Sunday, the start time will be 9:30 am and will end at about 5:00 pm.  Please come join the Alpha Bots in the stands to cheer them on! FREE ADMITTANCE!!



Sign up for some time with your elementary student's teacher for spring parent-teacher conferences on March 4 and 6. These are optional but the teachers always love to share how your student is doing and to talk through anything you would like to discuss. Follow this link to find a slot with your teacher:, or contact them if you need another timeframe if necessary.


If you have a Middle School student, make plans to attend this very important parent meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 6:30-7:30 pm.  You will be able to see how your student is doing third quarter.  Also, the end of the year trip destination and details will be revealed. NO SIGN UP NECESSARY.


Sign up to meet with your student’s high school teachers for Tuesday, March 4 and Wednesday, March 5 from 3-6 pm.  Slots will fill up quickly, so be sure to reserve yours as soon as possible.


Thursday, April 17, ONE NIGHT ONLY! 6 pm

Auditions will be held in March and all audition forms are due by Monday, March 3 and must be turned into Mrs. Tangi Olds. Follies is a Mission Trip Fundraiser put on by the class of 2025. Save the date! Start inviting friends and family to attend. Forms for auditions are attached.


March 10, Craft Photography will be taking Spring pictures of all students from preschool through elementary.   If you do not wish for your child to be photographed, please fill out the form and turn into your student’s teacher by March 7.


Check out the CCS Auction Facebook page for event information and sneak peeks of auction items!


If you are trying to log into the FACTS Family Portal from our website, check out the new location under CCS Families, titled Family Portal. There is also a FACTS logo  in the upper right corner when viewing from a computer, or in the footer if you are using a phone.



Order hot lunch for April (already!?!) by March 19! Log into the FACTS Family Portal, click on Student, then Lunch, then Create Web Order to submit your order. If you want to help serve lunch, sign up for a slot on our Sign Up Genius, as we are always in need of lunch volunteers.


Reenrollment will open on Monday, March 3 for the 2025-2026 school year! Log into the FACTS Family Portal, click on Apply/Enroll, then Enrollment/Reenrollment to begin the reenrollment packets. If you need to add a new student, submit an application through the portal under the Apply/Enroll and then Application section. If you are leaving the CCS Family, please log into the enrollment packet and click "will not enroll" or email Michelle Wilson to notify us. More information is attached.



Calhoun Christian Preschool is seeking to fill a full-time teacher assistant position in our four-year-old classroom from 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Candidate must meet minimal requirements that the Preschool Director will assist with completing upon hire. Please send resume and references to the Preschool Director at

Calhoun Christian School is seeking to fill a Director's position in our After-school program from 2:30-6:00 p.m. Candidates must meet minimum State of Michigan Childcare Licensing qualifications. Please send resume and references to the Preschool Director at

Substitute teachers – We are always in need of substitute teachers.  If you or someone you know is interested, please submit your cover letter and resume to



Plan to purchase a hot dog lunch on March 20!   Meals include an ALL BEEF hot dog, bag of chips, drink and dessert!  WHAT A DEAL!!! Cost is $7. Order form is attached.  Orders are due Friday, March 14.  All proceeds will go towards Student Council projects and school spirit events.



If you are looking for ways to fulfill the required twenty service hours, check out the links below to sign up.  All service hours should be served and logged by May 30, 2025 or you will receive a bill for any hours unserved. Be sure to log all your service hours before the last day of school using FACTS Family Portal.

Sign up to Serve Lunch

Sign up for Popcorn and Pickle Friday

Sign up for Home Game Sports



We are currently looking for a Middle School Girl’s Soccer Coach for this spring.  If you are interested in more information please contact


Girls Middle school and Varsity Soccer meeting will be held at 3:30 pm on March 7.  Players and parents should attend this very important meeting.


Check out the sports/games coming up.  Show up with your COUGAR SPIRIT to cheer on our students.  


Also- WE NEED YOU! If you are able to help with ticket sales or concessions please contact Don Hughes at


Basketball sign up genius for all home games can be found here.   Please sign up and support our Cougars Sports program.5


Parent Teacher Conferences, Blood Drive, Follies

February 21, 2025
By Cougar Connection

Sign up for some time with your elementary student's teacher for spring parent-teacher conferences on March 4 and 6. These are optional but the teachers always love to share how your student is doing and to talk through anything you would like to discuss. Follow this link to find a slot with your teacher:, or contact them if you need another timeframe if necessary.


If you have a Middle School student, make plans to attend this very important parent meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 6:30-7:30 pm.  You will be able to see how your student is doing third quarter.  Also, the end of the year trip destination and details will be revealed. NO SIGN UP NECESSARY.


Sign up to meet with your student’s high school teachers for Tuesday, March 4 and Wednesday, March 5 from 3-6 pm.  Slots will fill up quickly, so be sure to reserve yours as soon as possible.


Thursday, April 17, ONE NIGHT ONLY! 6 pm
Auditions will be held in March and all audition forms are due by Monday, March 3 and must be turned into Mrs. Tangi Olds. Follies is a Mission Trip Fundraiser put on by the class of 2025. Save the date! Start inviting friends and family to attend. Forms for auditions are attached.


We will be donating another round of lost and found items to a local charity soon.  Please check for any items that may belong to your student.  We also have a couple of crock pots that have been left in the kitchen from previous events.  If you are missing one, please stop by the office to pick it up.  See the below photo. 



The auction is coming up quickly on Saturday, March 15.  Save the date and make plans to attend! It is a fun night for our school community.  Ticket sales will begin soon.  Currently, the auction committee is collecting donations for our live and silent auctions.  This is a huge part of the auction and we are asking each family to please provide at least one item to our event. Parents, families, local community businesses and friends provide some of the best and most creative donations to the auction. Donations could include gift certificates, themed baskets, tickets to events, or even a trip! You do not have to purchase these items for donation. We ask that you ask your family, friends & fellow business owners to help our school with a donation, all which are tax deductible. Donation forms, along with request letters, are available in the school’s main office.  All donations are due to the main office on or before February 26.  

Check out the CCS Auction Facebook page for event information and sneak peeks of auction items!


We are still looking for donations for this very important fundraiser.  ANY AMOUNT given will be DOUBLED.  Join the movement and help us reach our goal to raise $40,000. There are three ways to give online at, in person at the school office, or mail to 20 Woodrow Ave. S. Battle Creek, MI 49015

  • Calhoun Christian Preschool is seeking to fill a full-time teacher assistant position in our four-year-old classroom from 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Candidate must meet minimal requirements that the Preschool Director will assist with completing upon hire. Please send resume and references to the Preschool Director at
  • Calhoun Christian School is seeking to fill a Director's position in our After-school program from 2:30-6:00 p.m. Candidates must meet minimum State of Michigan Childcare Licensing qualifications. Please send resume and references to the Preschool Director at
  • Substitute teachers – We are always in need of substitute teachers.  If you or someone you know is interested, please submit your cover letter and resume to

Our Board of Directors approved the tuition and fee rates for 2025-2026. See attached letter for more details. Reenrollment will run from March 3 - 28. More details to come!


Make your appointment today to donate blood on February 25, 2025 1:00 pm – 6:15 pm. Visit and enter sponsor code CalhounChristian, or call 1-800-RED-CROSS [1-800-733-2767].


Plan to purchase a hot dog lunch on March 20!  Meals include an ALL BEEF hot dog, bag of chips, drink and dessert!  WHAT A DEAL!!! Cost is $7. Order form is attached.  Orders are due Friday, March 14.  All proceeds will go towards Student Council projects and school spirit events.


Reenrollment begins March 3. You will receive more information on how to complete the process later next week. However, if you have any additional children that you are considering enrolling into our preschool or K-12, the New Student Application for 2025-2026 is now open. For any new to CCS students in the 2025-2026 school year, an application needs to be submitted through the Application link in the FACTS Family Portal (under Apply/Enroll). If you are just reenrolling your current students, please wait to submit the enrollment packet between March 3-28. Contact Michelle Wilson with any questions!


If you are looking for ways to fulfill the required twenty service hours, check out the links below to sign up.  All service hours should be served and logged by May 30, 2025 or you will receive a bill for any hours unserved. Be sure to log all your service hours before the last day of school using FACTS Family Portal.
Sign up to Serve Lunch
Sign up for Popcorn and Pickle Friday
Sign up for Home Game Sports


We are currently looking for a Middle School Girl’s Soccer Coach for this spring.  If you are interested in more information please contact

Check out the sports/games coming up.  Show up with your COUGAR SPIRIT to cheer on our students.  

Also - WE NEED YOU! If you are able to help with ticket sales or concessions please contact Don Hughes at

Basketball sign up genius for all home games can be found here.  Please sign up and support our Cougars Sports program.


Auction, Job Openings, Upcoming Events!

February 07, 2025
By Cougar Connection

The auction is coming up quickly on Saturday, March 15.  Save the date and make plans to attend! It is a fun night for our school community.  Ticket sales will begin soon.  Currently, the auction committee is collecting donations for our live and silent auctions.  This is a huge part of the auction and we are asking each family to please provide at least one item to our event. Parents, families, local community businesses and friends provide some of the best and most creative donations to the auction. Donations could include gift certificates, themed baskets, tickets to events, or even a trip! You do not have to purchase these items for donation. We ask that you ask your family, friends & fellow business owners to help our school with a donation, all which are tax deductible. Donation forms, along with request letters, are available in the school’s main office.  All donations are due to the main office on or before February 26.  


We are still looking for donations for this very important fundraiser.  ANY AMOUNT given will be DOUBLED.  Join the movement and help us reach our goal to raise $40,000. There are three ways to give online at, in person at the school office, or mail to 20 Woodrow Ave. S. Battle Creek, MI 49015

  • Calhoun Christian Preschool is seeking to fill a full-time teacher assistant position in our four-year-old classroom from 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Candidate must meet minimal requirements that the Preschool Director will assist with completing upon hire. Please send resume and references to the Preschool Director at 
  • Calhoun Christian School is seeking to fill a Director's position in our After-school program from 2:30-6:00 p.m. Candidates must meet minimum State of Michigan Childcare Licensing qualifications. Please send resume and references to the Preschool Director at 
  • Substitute teachers – We are always in need of substitute teachers.  If you or someone you know is interested, please submit your cover letter and resume to
  • Para-professional for Middle School.  If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your cover letter and resume to 

Our Board of Directors approved the tuition and fee rates for 2025-2026. See attached letter for more details. Reenrollment will run from March 3 - 28. More details to come!


LEGO CLUB for Kindergarten and grades 1-3 will be meeting on Tuesday, February 11.

Save those cans/bottles to recycle!  Mr. Rome will bring his trailer to the back parking lot on February 12. You can drop off cans before and after school.  If you are willing to help, we are retuning the cans at the Meijer on Columbia after school that day.

HOMECOMING WEEK February 3-8 2025

Homecoming games are scheduled TONIGHT against Will Carleton.  Come support the teams!  

Start times for the HOCO games are as follows:

JV Boys – 4:30 pm vs Will Carleton
Varsity Girls – 6:00 pm vs Will Carleton
Varsity Boys – 7:30 pm vs Will Carleton
HOCO Court and crowning of the 2025 King and Queen will take place after the last game.

Student Council will be selling Chik-Fil-A regular [$7.00] and spicy [$7.50] sandwiches before the games!  Get’em while supplies last!

Tickets for the HOCO dance on February 8 are on sale in the office.   Cost is $35 a person.  Time is 5:30-9:00 pm.  Be sure to sign up ASAP! The theme is “The Golden Age – Welcome to Old Hollywood”.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end" Ecclesiastes 3:11


The Sophomore class will be selling spaghetti dinners on Tuesday, February 11 from 3:30 to 7:00pm.  Please stop by and pick up one (or more!) to help support their mission trip!


Order hot lunch for March by February 19! Log into the FACTS Family Portal, click on Student, then Lunch, then Create Web Order to submit your order. If you want to help serve lunch, sign up for a slot on our Sign Up Genius, as we are always in need of lunch volunteers.


Join us on February 22 from 6:00-7:30pm in the school cafeteria for the annual Daddy Daughter Dance! Tickets are on sale in the office.  Sign up by Tuesday, February 18.  The cost is $30. The ticket covers entry to the event, dessert and snacks, DJ and dancing, nail art and a craft.  Come join us for a fun night!


Make your appointment today to donate blood on February 25, 2025 1:00 pm – 6:15 pm. Visit and enter sponsor code CalhounChristian, or call 1-800-RED-CROSS [1-800-733-2767].

KIDS HEART CHALLENGE – American Heart Association

Let the games begin, Heart Heroes! Kids Heart Challenge is back even bigger and better than before! Sign up TODAY and spend 2 minutes as a family learning what to do in case of a cardiac emergency. Learn Hands-Only CPR, the warning signs of a stroke and so much more! Download the AHA Schools app for iPhone or Android to search for our school or click here and sign up! Next, send 10 emails or texts to family and friends asking for their support! Once you complete Finn’s Mission you’ll receive your own lifesaver cape!


If you are looking for ways to fulfill the required twenty service hours, check out the links below to sign up.  All service hours should be served and logged by May 30, 2025 or you will receive a bill for any hours unserved. Be sure to log all your service hours before the last day of school using FACTS Family Portal.

Serve Lunch:

Popcorn and Pickle Friday:


Check out the sports/games coming up.  Show up with your COUGAR SPIRIT to cheer on our students.  

Also - WE NEED YOU! If you are able to help with ticket sales or concessions please contact Don Hughes at

Basketball sign up genius for all home games can be found here.   Please sign up and support our Cougars Sports program.

HOCO, Blood Drive, and More!

January 31, 2025
By Cougar Connection

Because of generous donors like you, we have already raised nearly $14,000 so we can continue to provide our students with a safe, warm facility, salaries for our staff, supplies for our classroom, and so much more! Join the movement and help us reach our goal to raise $40,000. Donate now! There are three ways to give online at, in person at the school office, or mail to 20 Woodrow Ave. S. Battle Creek, MI 49015


The auction is coming up quickly on Saturday, March 15.  Save the date and make plans to attend! It is a fun night for our school community.  Ticket sales will begin soon.  Currently, the auction committee is collecting donations for our live and silent auctions.  This is a huge part of the auction and we are asking each family to please provide at least one item to our event. Parents, families, local community businesses and friends provide some of the best and most creative donations to the auction. Donations could include gift certificates, themed baskets, tickets to events, or even a trip! You do not have to purchase these items for donation. We ask that you ask your family, friends & fellow business owners to help our school with a donation, all which are tax deductible. Donation forms, along with request letters, are available in the school’s main office.  All donations are due to the main office on or before February 26.  

  • Calhoun Christian Preschool is seeking to fill a full-time teacher assistant position in our four-year-old classroom from 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Candidate must meet minimal requirements that the Preschool Director will assist with completing upon hire. Please send resume and references to the Preschool Director at
  • Calhoun Christian School is seeking to fill a Director's position in our After-school program from 2:30-6:00 p.m. Candidates must meet minimum State of Michigan Childcare Licensing qualifications. Please send resume and references to the Preschool Director at
  • Substitute teachers – We are always in need of substitute teachers.  If you or someone you know is interested, please submit your cover letter and resume to
  • Para-professional for Middle School.  If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your cover letter and resume to  

Our Board of Directors approved the tuition and fee rates for 2025-2026. See attached letter for more details. Reenrollment will run from March 3 - 28. More details to come!


LEGO CLUB for Kindergarten and grades 1-3 will be meeting on Tuesday, February 11. Save those cans/bottles to recycle!  Mr. Rome will bring his trailer to the back parking lot on February 12. You can drop off cans before and after school.  If you are willing to help, we are returning the cans at the Meijer on Columbia after school that day.

HOMECOMING WEEK, February 3-8 2025
Spirit Week:

Monday – Lazy Day

Tuesday – Cowboys vs. Aliens

Wednesday – Movie Day [Class]

Thursday – Celebrity vs Paparazzi

Friday – Spirit Day

Homecoming games are scheduled for February 7 against Will Carleton.  Come support the teams!  

Start times for the HOCO games are as follows:

JV Boys – 4:30 pm vs Will Carleton
Varsity Girls – 6:00 pm vs Will Carleton
Varsity Boys – 7:30 pm vs Will Carleton
HOCO Court and crowning of the 2025 King and Queen will take place after the last game.

Student Council will be selling Chick-Fil-A regular [$7.00] and spicy [$7.50] sandwiches before the games!  Get’em while supplies last!

Tickets for the HOCO dance on February 8 are on sale in the office. Cost is $35 a person. Time is 5:30-9:00 pm. Be sure to sign up ASAP! The theme is “The Golden Age – Welcome to Old Hollywood”. "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end" Ecclesiastes 3:11


The Sophomore class will be selling spaghetti dinners on Tuesday, February 11 from 3:30 to 7:00pm.  Please stop by and pick up one (or more!) to help support their mission trip!


Order hot lunch for March by February 19! Log into the FACTS Family Portal, click on Student, then Lunch, then Create Web Order to submit your order. If you want to help serve lunch, sign up for a slot on our Sign Up Genius, as we are always in need of lunch volunteers.


Join us on February 22 from 6:00-7:30pm in the school cafeteria for the annual Daddy Daughter Dance! Tickets are on sale in the office.  Sign up by Tuesday, February 18.  The cost is $30. The ticket covers entry to the event, dessert and snacks, DJ and dancing, nail art and a craft.  Come join us for a fun night!


Make your appointment today to donate blood on February 25, 2025 1:00 pm – 6:15 pm. Visit and enter sponsor code CalhounChristian, or call 1-800-RED-CROSS [1-800-733-2767].

KIDS HEART CHALLENGE – American Heart Association

Let the games begin, Heart Heroes! Kids Heart Challenge is back even bigger and better than before! Sign up TODAY and spend 2 minutes as a family learning what to do in case of a cardiac emergency. Learn Hands-Only CPR, the warning signs of a stroke and so much more! Download the AHA Schools app for iPhone or Android to search for our school or click here and sign up! Next, send 10 emails or texts to family and friends asking for their support! Once you complete Finn’s Mission you’ll receive your own lifesaver cape!


If you are looking for ways to fulfill the required twenty service hours, check out the links below to sign up.  All service hours should be served and logged by May 30, 2025, or you will receive a bill for any hours unserved. Be sure to log all your service hours before the last day of school using FACTS Family Portal.

  • Serve Lunch:
  • Popcorn and Pickle Friday:

Check out the sports/games coming up.  Show up with your COUGAR SPIRIT to cheer on our students.  

Also - WE NEED YOU! If you are able to help with ticket sales or concessions, please contact Don Hughes at

Basketball sign up genius for all home games can be found here. Please sign up and support our Cougars Sports program.

All Posts

2/28/25 - By Cougar Connection
2/21/25 - By Cougar Connection
2/7/25 - By Cougar Connection
1/31/25 - By Cougar Connection
Sunday, March 2
March 2, 2025 | 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday, March 4
March 4, 2025 | 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday, March 5
Thursday, March 6
Friday, March 7
March 7, 2025 | 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday, March 11
March 11, 2025 | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

LEGO CLUB for grades 1-3 will be meeting once a month until the end of the school year. Robotics – grades 4-6 will meet in the library.

Here are the dates:

  • February 11
  • March 11
  • April 15
  • May 13

Friday, March 14
March 14, 2025
Saturday, March 15
March 15, 2025 | 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Join us for our 22nd annual benefit auction, on Saturday, March 15, beginning at 5:30pm. 

Registration and Silent Auction runs from 5:30pm - 7:15pm
Dinner and Live Auction from 7:15pm - 9:30pm

Register online at Calhoun Christian School Auction 2025

Childcare Available - sign up for a Children's Party or Infant/Toddler Care

Children's Party: held in the CCS Library, pizza and snacks provided, along with games, crafts, and a movie. Children must be potty trained and able to stay up for the fun. $10/child.

Infant/Toddler Care: held in a CCS elementary classroom, for ages birth to 4 years. Snacks provided, however, please feed your child dinner before arriving. Parents are encouraged to provide a pack-n-play and a favorite blanket/stuffy. $10/child.

Children will be under adult supervision with the help of responsible high school students.

Thursday, March 20
March 20, 2025 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Come join us for an evening to prepare for Preschool or Kindergarten in 2025-2026! Families are welcome to bring their students to this event to meet the teachers, see the classrooms, connect with other parents, and find out more about our academic excellence at Calhoun Christian School. 

  • Incoming preschoolers must be 3 years old by their first day of school, and potty trained.
  • Incoming Kindergarteners must be 5 years old by September 1, 2025. 

Contact Michelle Wilson at or 269-213-2423 for more information or to register for the Roundup.

Monday, March 24
March 24, 2025 | 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM | Conference Room at CCS
Wednesday, March 26
March 26, 2025 | 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Monday, March 31
March 31, 2025