Parents are welcome in our building to see what our teachers and students are up to, though we must adhere to State guidelines when it comes to being around children. Each family is asked to donate 20 hours of service to the school in some capacity, whether it is by serving lunch, making popcorn on Fridays, helping with the school's annual Auction each March, setting up for Grandparent's Day in November, cleaning, painting, maintenance, helping our teachers with projects, and so much more. For a parent or relative to work around our children, they must be cleared via a Central Registry background check before they can be in the school for more than just dropoff or pickup.
Service Opportunities for 2024-2025 School Year
Lunch Volunteer - our students have a hot lunch program available to them, and we need assistance with handing out lunch to our students. Timeframe is from 10:15am - 11:45am. Volunteer for a slot via our SignUp Genius link!
Popcorn and Pickle Friday - students can elect to purchase popcorn or a pickle (or both!) on Fridays each week through the school year. We need help with making and delivering popcorn/pickles to our students! Timeframe is from 7:30am - 10:30am. Volunteer for a slot via our SignUp Genius link!
Home Game Concessions and Tickets - our students play volleyball, soccer, and basketball at Calhoun Christian School in both middle and high school. We need help with collecting admissions money as well as making and selling concessions. Volunteer for a slot to help with basketball via our SignUp Genius link!
Other Volunteer Options - contact your student's teacher for other opportunities, or check out our weekly Cougar Connection for volunteers needed such as for Field Day, field trips, year end trips, homecoming, etc.