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Family Commitment


1. We agree to pray for the ongoing success of each other and that God will keep the evil one from hindering the ministries of Calhoun Christian School and its families.

2. We agree to support one another in spirit and in truth.  We will endeavor to forsake a critical spirit and walk humbly before God.  We promis not to gossip but to respect Calhoun Christian School, its employees, parents, or students.

3.  We agree to faithfully fulfill our financial obligations to those to whom we have given our word.

4. We agree to assist each other whenever possible, realizing that Christian education demands more than our regular payments.  We will give as God has prospered us and use our talents and gifts for the success of our school.

5.  We agree to deal with problems together in a Biblical manner of privacy, prayer, and honesty.

6.  We agree to be supportive of any disciplinary action taken by the school.

7.  We agree to provide a minimum of 20 volunteer hours per year in the classroom, lunchroom, library or other areas as needed to support the school.

8.  We, the parents of Calhoun Christian School, agree to be responsible in training our children in a Godly manner at home and support the training of our children in a Godly manner through their school years.

9.  We agree to be active members of a local church.  CCS believes that the Christian education process is not complete without regular attendance in worship services as well as youth group instruction and fellowship activities.  Please be faithful to your local church and do not use your attendance at school as a substitute for the Biblical fellowship of the local church.

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